Tip: Split the class into groups and use multiple beach balls to make the game competitive. The entire class says the answer together and the ball is passed to the next person.After each student catches the ball, they read the question that is closest to their right pinky finger.In an open area, have the students stand in a big circle.Write various multiplication questions on an inflated beach ball.It’s easy, active and engaging, and can help students learn multi-digit numbers multiplication. Pass around a “multiplication beach ball” to make your lesson feel like a day at the beach. The more your class can move around while they play, the better. These multiplication games are best played in a large open space, like outside or in the gym. Why not accomplish two goals at once? Get some energy flowing and improve multiplication skills with games that encourage students to get out of their seats for math class. Tip: If students are struggling, encourage them to write the equation on the board to help them find the answer. The person with the highest streak (most rounds won in a row) is the winner.The “winner” of the round stays at the board, and the “loser” is replaced with another student.